Enfield Town Residents' Association


Final Local Plan Consultation

What is Regulation 19?

LBE has now commenced the final formal stage of consultation on the Local Plan, known as Regulation 19 and members of the public have seven weeks to submit responses. The format of the responses must follow a template and responses must be based on Planning arguments.

The Council template is quite complicated, To make the process simpler we have provided an online form which will e-mail your objections to the Council and avoids using the LBE template.

A reponse needs to include your name and address (anonymous responses are not permitted), the Plan Policy reference you wish to object to and your reasons. Each representation also needs to indicate if the policy and plan has been correctly prepared according to the following tests:

  1. that the policy is legally compliant
  2. that it is “sound” – ie , broadly speaking it represents the most appropriate strategy in the circumstances

An online form ( from the Enfield Society) will record your objections as both unsound and not legally compliant.

Technically responses are called representations. Once Regulation 19 ends, the representations will be passed to a Planning Inspector, appointed by the Secretary of State, who will convene a number of public meetings known as an Examination in public. These will test the Plan to see that it conforms to Planning law, a process known as testing if the Plan is ‘sound’.

People who make representations at Regulation 19 stage have the option of being called to an Examination Session in order to put forward their points in person. You can still make a response without the need to be further involved

More about the Plan

The Local Plan runs to about 600 pages, with a further 7,000 pages of evidence which justifies the policies included in the Plan. One of the more important evidence documents is the Green Belt Exceptional Circumstances Topic Paper which sets out the Council’s justification for proposing 10,000 homes on the Green Belt. You can find the links to the Plan on the Council website.

One of the arguments from The Council is that there is insufficient brownfield sites in the Borough to satisfy the housing need, which the Plan states is at least 33,280. Part of the problem with assessing housing need is that the London Plan only covers the period until 2029 and there are a number of different approaches to be used after that date.

The Society and Enfield RoadWatch also question that there are insufficient brownfield locations. in 2019 we worked with the CPRE and produced a report entitled Space to Build which identified locations for over 37,000 dwellings.

The expected timetable is as follows:

  • Regulation 19 will end at 23:59BST on Monday 20th May 2024,
  • Later in 2024: Examination in Public, with a Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.

Council Meeting 19th March

At a noisy, and at times bad-tempered, Council meeting on Tuesday 19th March, the Council approved the draft Local Plan by 33 votes to 22. You can watch a recording of the Full Council meeting (running time 3h 18m) via the LBE website. Note: there is no audio for the first 25 minutes of the recording. The final statement by the Leader, Cllr Caliskan, is at time index 3h 07m and the roll-call of Councillors voting can be viewed at time index 3h 13m.


These are the areas of concern in the Plan:

Policy PL10: Chase Park (Vicarage Farm) including Land South of Enfield Road and the Trent Park Equestrian Centre

Local Plan ref page 89
Site allocations SA10.1 – 4 page 436
Homes proposed Total of 3755
Objections High level of harm to the character and identity of the area arising from the loss of countryside and semi-rural character

Green Belt countryside designated as an Enfield Chase Area of Special Character within the current statutory Development Plan

Loss of an important part of the historic landscape of Enfield Chase

Urbanisation of the Merryhills Way, a popular Public Right of Way established comparatively recently to provide easy access on foot to high quality countryside

Impact on Trent Park Conservation area from development at the Equestrian Centre

Urbanisation of countryside views across Enfield Chase from the footpaths along the edge of Williams Wood and Shaws Wood

Likely to be car-dominated with few jobs in the area and steep slopes making cycling hard

Urbanisation of views from the London Loop public footpath/right of way

Chase Park showing proposed housing, access and new school. Source: page 92

Policy PL11: Crews Hill

Local Plan ref page 103
Site allocations SA11.1–6 page 444
Homes proposed Total proposed 5,500
Objections Impact on the designated Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation at Crews Hill Golf Course and Glasgow Stud

Urbanisation of the setting of the Chain Walk Public Right of Way and Burnt Farm Ride Public Bridleway

Impact on views from the Ridgeway across Enfield Chase historic landscape

Possible future impact of development from deletion of Green Belt at Kings Oak Plain, an area of countryside recently planted with trees by volunteers

Loss of popular garden centres and supporting businesses

Harm to the rural setting of the Whitewebbs Transport Museum

Traffic pressure harming the character of narrow rural lanes including Whitewebbs Road, Cattlegate Road and East Lodge Lane

Traffic pressure on the Conservation Areas at Clay Hill and Forty Hall

Likely to be car-dominated with few jobs in the area and steep slopes making cycling hard

Composite map from the Local Plan document. Tiles do not match due to mapping errors

Site Allocation SA URB.03 Chase Farm

Local Plan ref page 461
Detail Plan has no protection for remaining former buildings of the hospital, including the clock-tower.
Objections No protection for the historic Clock Tower and associated historic buildings fronting the Ridgeway.

Tall Buildings Policy DE6: Area 1 Cockfosters

Local Plan ref page 564
Detail Two sites in very close proximity to Cockfosters underground station, both up to 39m.
Our Objections Impact on views from Trent Park Conservation Area

Impact on the character of the Cockfosters

Impacts on views from across a wide area of historic Enfield Chase Area of Special Character/countryside

Tall Buildings Policy DE6: Area 2 Enfield Town

Local Plan ref page 565
Detail Four sites are identified as follows: Enfield Chase Station (27m); Palace Gardens/Exchange (39m); Tesco’s/Sorting Office (42m) and Civic Centre (39m).
Objections Impact on the historic market town character of the Enfield town Conservation Area

Impact on the historic market square and numerous listed buildings including St Andrews church

DE6 Area 2 (Enfield Town). Source: Local Plan Appendix D, page 565, annotated by The Enfield Society

Tall Buildings Policy DE6: Area 6 Southgate

Local Plan ref page 569
Detail Four sites are indicated around Southgate Circus with a maximum height of 30m
Our Objections on a hill and will dominate the view across a wide area

will overshadow surrounding residential properties

will dominate the Grade II Listed Holden underground station.

Tall Buildings Policy DE6: Area 8 Palmers Green

Local Plan ref page 571
Detail The current site of Morrisons is indicated, with a maximum height of 24m.
Objections Impact on setting of the Lakes Estate Conservation Area

Impact on the setting of Broomfield Park and site of Broomfield House

Site SA RUR.02: Hadley Wood (Land Between Camlet Way and Crescent Way)

Local Plan ref page 511
Detail SA RUR.02: 160 houses
Our Objections Green Belt countryside designated as an Enfield Chase Area of Special Character within the current statutory Development Plan

Impact on the setting of Conservation Areas at Hadley Wood and Monken Hadley (Barnet)

Site SA RUR.03: Land west of Rammey March

Local Plan ref page 540
Detail Proposed at least 70,200 sq m of new employment floorspace (light industrial, general industrial, storage and distribution, and related sui generis) floorspace
Objections Green Belt designated as part of the Lee Valley Area of Special Character
Non-designated wildlife-rich area

Site SA RUR.04: M25 Junction 24 (The Ridgeway, near St John’s school)

Local Plan ref page 542
Detail SA RUR.04: Proposed 30,550 sqm of general industrial, storage and distribution
Our Objections Harm to green gateway to the Borough

Green Belt countryside designated as an Enfield Chase Area of Special Character within the current statutory Development Plan

The 2021 Version

The Council published a draft of the Local Plan in the Summer of 2021 and ran a 12-week “regulation 18” consultation. More details can be found here.


All above information kindly provided by the Enfield Society. 



Chase Green Wetlands 

Chase Green Wetlands_Consultation Document

Chase Green Legal Letter

Cockfosters Car Park Development:

Latest Update ( as of 11th March):

Transport Secretary Grant Schapps has made the very sensible decision to REFUSE to allow #tfl to build on Cockfosters station car park*.

He is quite rightly concerned about the impact of the loss of the car park on transport users. Read more about it on our Facebook page:

So for now, Cockfosters has been saved!


Readers may already have heard that the Council Planning Committee approved proposals to build tower blocks on the Cockfosters car park.  (A similar proposal to that at Arnos Grove.)

ETRA attended the Committee meeting and a detailed commentary on the proceedings is available here

Planning Meeting Notes


Arnos Grove Inquiry – Appeal Notification

Please find attached the appeal notification letter for the upcoming appeal to be determined by inquiry for Arnos Grove.

01.03.22 – Appeal Notification Letter – File Copy


You can find all of the current LBE consultations here.


The ETRA’s submission on the Draft Local Plan

ETRA submission on Draft Local Plan


Enfield Town Consultative Group

ETRA is a member of the Enfield Town Consultative Group which is currently considering ways of using funding from Transport for London to improve Enfield Town.

We have encourage residents to take part in this consultation. So far our members have taken part in ‘pop-up’ events and surveys aimed at exploring what people would like to see happen in the town centre.

You can find a summary of the events that have taken place here and the latest report from the research conducted here.

The consultation process is about to restart & recruitment is underway for a series of online workshops and residents are invited to take part.

As a result of the work LBE issued a set of proposals in October. We have concerns that the proposals include many features that will make the town centre far less accessible to those who are frail, disabled or blind. ETRA has submitted a list of its concerns, with many of our concerns also being raised by the National Federation of the Blind of the UK when they met with officers in early December.

We are therefore now waiting to hear the outcomes of the consultation.

Palace Square consultation

The second phase of the consultation on ‘Palace Square’ has now started. Some of you may already have received the email from the PR team. Here is the gist of it:

Delivering high quality homes in the heart of Enfield Town

As part of the redevelopment proposals for Palace Square it is proposed that around 500 high quality, Build to Rent homes be delivered in the heart of Enfield Town.

What is Build to Rent?

Build to Rent is a new way of delivering quality, affordable and private rented housing. It means that all of the flats being proposed in Palace Square will be for rent. They will be professionally managed, high quality and desirable, with secure, long-term tenancies, including a tenure blind mix of affordable and private homes.

There will be on-site maintenance support, a concierge and high speed wi-fi included as standard Alongside this will be communal facilities such as a games room and outdoor terracing, available for all residents to enjoy.  

You can find out more about our plans to deliver Build to Rent homes for Enfield residents in Palace Square by watching our video.

Please do let us know your thoughts on the proposed Build to Rent homes in Palace Square here.

Further information about our broader proposals for Palace Square is available at our website here.

Find out more


LBE Blue and Green Strategy consultation

Enfield Council has just started its consultation on its new ‘Blue and Green’ Strategy (water and open land). The consultation period opened on the 30th November and will remain open for six weeks; the draft Strategy document and consultation procedures have just been published and you can find all the details here.

The strategy sets out LBE’s proposals to protect, maintain and enhance Enfield’s network of blue and green assets – parks, rivers, lakes, gardens, woodlands, canals, wetlands, allotments, playing pitches, woodlands, “and much more”.

To give your comments, you can either register and complete the online survey, which will remain open until 5pm on 11 January 2021, or alternatively, you can send the completed form along with your contact details via email here or post to Strategic Planning and Design, Enfield Council, FREEPOST, NW5036, Enfield, EN1 3BR. A PDF of the form is also available to download from the web page.