Enfield Town Residents' Association


You can email us at Enfield Town Residents Association

If you’d like to join us, please enter your details below to apply for membership:

Membership of ETRA is £5 a year per household.

Your Privacy: We do not store your personal information for any other purpose than that of our own use. Please see our Privacy & Cookies Policy page for more details.

Our website is SSL protected meaning that when you contact us through the website, all your details are encrypted before being transmitted to us.

    Privacy Statement/Data Protection

    In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the information that you have provided on this form to the Enfield Town Residents' Association will be used in the following ways:

    • To store it securely either electronically or in paper form

    • To use it only in connection with running the organisation

    • To communicate with you as an ETRA member by email, post or phone (not our newsletter - see below)

    • To share with the Committee only

    I consent to my data being used for membership purposes as detailed above.

    Please tick the box to give your permission*:

    * Indicates required field

    We will contact you when we receive your membership application.